Ms. Jumoke Ogundare is currently the Chief Executive Officer of ARM. Prior to becoming the CEO of the ARM Group, she was responsible for ARM’s asset management business, managing business development, investment management and research, ARM Trustees, and the ARM mutual funds (ARM Discovery Fund, ARM Aggressive Growth Fund, ARM Ethical Fund and ARM Money Market Fund); the Group’s Marketing and Communications department. Jumoke has several years of credit & marketing experience spanning International Merchant Bank (IMB), Prime Merchant Bank Limited, and Citadel Savings and Loans.
Jumoke holds a B Sc. in Economics from the University of Jos, and a Masters in Business Administration degree from Cardiff Business School in Wales. Jumoke is also an alumnus of the Program for Management Development (PMD) and Advanced Management Programme (AMP) of the Harvard Business School. She currently serves on the boards of ARM, ARM Pensions, ARM Life, ARM Securities and Mixta Africa.